This blog was written in early September...but due to life it has taken me a while to post...
I am feeling very inspired today, so much so that I wanted to workout...I think I did it more for the time I could spend thinking. I am sure my hubs was hit with the shock and awe factor. As we went to the gym there was no hesitation, on my part, to delay the inevitable, I dug right in and worked my butt off... OK so I need to take a couple of steps back, church this morning was Wonderful! I go to a Methodist church in the town we live in and I love it... they are ALL about family and spiritual growth. As of late we have been preparing for a program called "Serve 2011".
"Serve 2011" is all about us as a church family going out into the community and helping those who are in need of it cleaning up garbage, fixing a leaky roof, etc. So on the 10th-11th of September we along with all the Methodist Churches in MO are going to forego our normal Sunday Service for a full day of service to our community. So, on to feeling inspired... Today in Chruch we were asked to make a choice and we needed to decide to be either "Hot" for God or "Cold" for God...there was to be no "Lukewarm" people out there because God isn't Lukewarm for us... I began to wonder...How do others see me? I questioned if others saw me as a Christian every time they saw me or if they only saw me to be a "Sunday Christian", (that's a Christian who is about God and Salvation on Sundays ONLY)? I thought long and hard...this is where the workout helped today because I was able to reflect on all the times I was a Lukewarm Christian and I looked at the instances when I was "Hot" for God... It seemed for the "Hot" Christian helping just came naturally... For me it isn't about how you serve...its about how well you serve! If I am serving for the greater purpose to show others that I am proud of being a Christian and I don't care who sees it then I am serving for the grander scheme. I am not claiming to be perfect because I will be the first to tell you I am by NO means perfect and I have faults, hang ups, and insecurities that take a hold of my daily existence and try to make me insane, but I make the choice starting today to work on ME and make me a better...Hot for God Christian. So now that the friends of mine that are reading this are thinking to themselves....Oh we go we are going to have to put up with the Holy Roller Danielle is going to become....Well, Stop right there...don't even finish the thought. I am still going to be fun, loving, loyal and trustworthy just like I am now but the only difference is that I am going to tone down my cussing, yelling, and wavering on my faith. I am going to be there for my friends, I am going to follow through on the things I commit to, and I am going to show myself that I can succeed and become a better Christian.
I am not saying that you HAVE to be a Christian to do good things because I have many many friends that are not Christian and they do good things to serve our community. I don't put conditions no my friendships I Love them just the way they are. They know I go to church and they know where I stand on my faith but sometimes I do wonder if I come across as a "Lukewarm" Christian? I am just saying that for me I am becoming inspired to do good things that reflect that I am not only a Christian on Sunday but every Day. I am a Christian all the time and I want people to see me ooze Jesus from the inside out...
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