Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's Been a Long Time... It's Definitely NOT Like Riding a Bike

Roughly about 7 years ago I met one of my dearest friends, Tammy. Tammy is also a spousal unit of the military but as of current she is of the retired side.  We were instant friends and I love her dearly; I miss her so. We would work out together and it was like "Woo...we worked out for 1.5 hours". Then there is Manna we knew each other for 3 years before meeting and we were instant friends. She was very preggers when we started to go walking together and then moved shortly after, so my engine got started and then poof! A few weeks/month passed and the post gym started to let Mom's bring their little ones to the gym so they could work-out...so then enter: Melissa, my daughter Lauri's best friend's Mom, she is so totally full of energy... this was great but it was all my fault because life got hectic and my new work-out partner and I couldn't get our schedules to work and so err I forgo my work-out routine... Let me tell you squats and lunges....WOW, LoVeD it!!

Today I have to say I could use the motivation of Tammy, Manna and Melissa for working out. You would think that the resistance I have to get back in, the proverbial, saddle again is because I have some sour taste in my mouth from working out but with each of them we would work together. It was GREAT! It wasn't the, here, you go there and I'll go here it was, OK so you like the treadmill and I like the elliptical so we can do that for 30 minutes and then lets go do blah blah... moving on to a workout targeting our problem areas.

Today, I went with my Husband and for some reason going with my husband is just SO overwhelmingly irritating! It isn't irritating because he is running my butt into the ground or it's hard work, he does the opposite, he just expects me to go and do a pre-calculated workout that I got from some weight-loss guru (I have yet to meet one). It would be one thing if he was with me helping me formulate a true workout but no...he HAS to go to the treadmill for a 30 thousand minute run in a room the size of a pocket with NO ventilation, NO air circulation, and NO scenery. If I want to have company while working out then in the mean time I have to kill myself on the elliptical or the treadmill beside him for the same boring, dull, smelly, agonizing run...BLAH!!!!!!

I know I can hear you all saying why not tell him what you want to do at the gym, be thankful that your husband will even go with you, I know I know I have heard it all before and let me tell you I have! I told him between my workouts with Manna and Melissa that I wanted/needed him to Help me with my work-out. Don't just do the same ole work out all the time...don't drill me like a soldier with the "Dont deviate from the Mission, Soldier!!" attitude ....LOL. Really I am thankful that he goes with me but I need to work out more then just my shin-splints.

I began today WHINING and CRABBING being a real let's just say... A Peach of a Wife!!!, about going to the gym so much so that I even got him pissed off but I had told him in the car on the way home from NY that he was going to have to deal with my moodiness for a while and he is going to have to SUCK IT UP! ...LOL that sounded so tough it made me laugh...hahaha!

In all seriousness... Honey if you are reading this PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do more of a work out not just a trip to the sauna and treadmill/elliptical.... It is going to kill me if I have to argue with you over working out and I will give up on it just as I did in the past...

OK all you have seen it first hand and without hesitation me asking him, again, to work WITH me! Let's see how it goes...

Well, I'm off to shower my 15 minutes in the Sauna is starting to make my eyes tear up from the smell...in the words of my daughter Lauri...PEACE!


  1. Hey all this was a great post today my husband and I had a great 1.5hr workout and I am so satisfied!!! Thanks for listening to me vent! Love Yas...Nite!

  2. Awwww! I'm glad he worked out with you the next day. Have you guys worked out together again since?? Once I heal up from popping out this kid, we will do a virtual workout buddy thing. I CANNOT work out with The Hubble. He and I could never work well together. I invest in many fitness magazines and DVDs to get my workouts in. I know you can do this lady!! Don't be dependent on anyone else. You are strong and are in charge of your own health and well being. You got this!!
