I am embarking on a new journey...One that is going to take me on the tricky terrain of emotional hills and valleys. Oh and don't forget to throw in a couple of hairpin turns and some icy roads....My second eldest, my first birthed Son is going to be going off to College next fall! I guess when I was made to be protector and caregiver to a 7lb 15oz bundle of boy, I wished that I could protect them for all eternity... I have always been there for the good, the bad, and the "OH No you didn't, just go there!!". I watched him take his first steps, waited patiently for his first words, listened intently to his dreams and day by day watched as my little boy grew into a handsome young man. He's a dreamer my little boy, he doesn't know how to dream a small dream, he dreams BIG!! What a great young man he has become!
I never imagined this day would get here so fast. When did my little boy go from being a toddler running around in Footed PJ's and a plastic Fireman's hat...When did he get so good at all that he does, and where was I when I stopped having to look over his shoulder every moment to make sure he was doing things right. I am sad the time has gone so fast and my emotions are all mixed up with a knowing sense that he will be OK and I have done the best job with him I can and now its his turn to start his own journey to Manhood.
This begins the days where his dreams are just around the corner... calling him, beckoning him to where he longs to be. I look at him and see Drive, Passion, Dedication, and SUCCESS! I also see a Kind, Loving, True to his Word, Loyal and God fearing Man... I cant hold his hand and help him jump from rock to rock so he can cross the stream... all I can do now is stand on the shore of the river and tell him to "Go Get Em'!" and "Don't forget who you are!" I don't get the luxury of an easy transition, if that were only the case...there won't be any coming home on weekends to do laundry or Hey, I get a week off let me just come home for a visit. While Nick is preparing for College the rest of us will be prepping for a move to our next Duty Station...
I am choked up typing just even the mere thought of my little boy going to college (can you just see how I will be 10 months from now) but I know it is all a part of the circle of life...no one could have said it better than his favorite movie The Lion King...its no wonder he loves it so much.
To Be Continued....
Awwwww! Poor mommy...he will be great and you know it! And hey...you have 4,000 others to keep you busy looking over their shoulders. ;-)