Tuesday, August 30, 2011

If Memory Serves Me Right

Monday afternoon I received a phone call I will never forget. My brother called to ask me if I had talked to my Dad and I told him no and asked what was up. He then blurted out, Grandpa Died!. There was no emotion in his voice as I'm sure he too was in shock to hear the news...he was in a hurry to find my Dad so we hung up. I spent most of the day in a zombie like state of remembering things we did as children and thinking of all the times we spent with all of my family. I missed him instantly there was no getting me out of this funk I was in.

Later that night I went to a dear friends house to do a Pampered Chef Show. My mind was able to think of something other than the passing of my Grandfather. I was kept busy and the thoughts of him were minimal until we were talking about the grill pan and press and my friend mentioned how a steak would have come out nice in that pan. I looked at her and told her that I thought the same thing and for a minute today I was going to get a steak and make it Grandpa Style.

I think making steak and feeding my family, extended and otherwise, is one of the fondest memories I have of my Grandparents and growing up. We spent many weekends and summer nights at 30 Stonehenge, Rochester NY... Irondiquoit to some, but that's only if you want to get technical : ) ... It always started out the same... it was my Dad and our family, Uncle Dom and his family, Aunt Andrea and Rory and Uncle Anthony and his family. It never seemed to matter what the occasion, nor did it matter that there was rarely an occasion our extended family wasn't thought of and for them to be there for cookouts or for them to just stop by didn't disrupt the natural course of human existence. Ok so here is the family that would come by.... There was Aunt Mary "Finary", Uncle Gumpy, Uncle Joe and Aunt Rosemary, Babe and Tiny, Uncle Sam and Aunt Verna, Babe and Tiny's daughter, Cousin Yogi, Sammy and Joann, Marion...Aunt Phyllis and Uncle Pete, Aunt Mame (pronounced May-Me) Uncle Paul, and Aunt Angie. I could never forget the people/family that helped to mold me into what and who I am today, I appreciate and value my family and I hold them with such high regard.

I was so little at the time so for me to remember that far back and who was always around brings a sense of pride and a bit of surprise. It was funny no matter how much food was made God provided and stretched it out and when the door bell rang and our extended family flooded through the doors there was still plenty of food. OK...so back to Grandpas steaks... When he made his almost famous steaks (they will be made famous someday, because this memory lives inside of me and I WILL pass this on to every person I meet and know...)  there was never a change in the flavor nor in the smell and it was duplicated so perfectly every time they were cooked. First you started off with Delmonico or T-Bone...poke it with a fork, squeeze fresh lemon over the top, sprinkle with garlic powder, salt, pepper and Italian seasoning...Flip and repeat on the other side. Make sure your grill is nice and HOT! Ahhhhh, I can hear the sizzle and smell that smell that comes off of any bbq grill in the summer.... STEAK!! Before owning a gas grill he used his Charcoal Outdoor Oven...alright so as my Dad corrected me it wasn't an oven but to me at that age it really looked like an old Italian Outdoor Brick Oven... Ok my brothers and cousins would know what I was talking about... : )....I want one when I build myself a house!!

We would gather in the dining room and Dad would say grace for everyone before eating...it was old school kids ate in the kitchen and the grown-ups sat around the LARGE dining room table (ok so it was Large to me because I was so small)...Oh and there were only rare occasions in which we would we be allowed to eat in the dining room with the adults but otherwise the kitchen was where it was at. My cousins, my brothers and I filled the table and we would laugh talk and polish of every moist tender delicious bite of our steak and potatoes. We never wasted food like many children of today, our Mom's gave us just what they knew we would eat and nothing more....if we ate seconds and thirds it was ok because there was always plenty...

Once they were grilled to perfection, (when I say grilled to perfection I really mean it these steaks were so FanTastiC that even the small edging of fat was pure perfection)...Grandpa would bring in the steaks and Grandma ALWAYS had baked and perfectly seasoned potatoes, if it was too hot out we would half the potatoes, season with salt n' pepper and grill face down on the grill with partially husked corn on the cob. Oh and we can't forget the large fresh, home grown, salad, (with tomatoes, peppers, and homemade dressing) there was NO bottled stuff made in Grandma and Grandpa's household...even when they got old and we went to the house for lunch there was NEVER a bottle of pre-made/store bought dressing...

Food was and always will be a spiritual experience for me... God would not have blessed me with a family who made such wonderful things and who taught me how to make these wonderful things if he didn't want me to bless those I know with it... I am a Foodie from head to toe and all of it began with a simple steak on a simple grill surrounded with my family...its just a little piece of heaven for me to have these memories. There is nothing I wont try and there is very little I don't eat.

Nothing could take that memory away from me and nothing will ever change the way the best steak, in all the world, tastes. And Grandpa if you and Grandma can see me now and read what I am writing....when you have your cookout tonight with all of our family who left this place remember us...Thankful to have been in Our Family, Blessed to have been Loved by You and Sad that those family get together's will have to wait until we are all up in Heaven with You!

RIP: Anthony "Tony" Morano Sr. 1926-2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Tango...It takes Two

**CAUTION** Before entering be aware there's lots of Metaphorical Talk and Mumbo Jumbo....Caution upon entering!!! 

Seeing Dancing with the Stars every season since it began, I can tell you that there has never been a time where the Tango was danced alone, solo, mono y mono....You get it. right??

Today between the stresses of DS's being broken (into 2 pieces...don't ask) and trying not to send my husband to the loony bin, my Hubs and I decided to go to dinner. Though I wanted to go, even to just to get out of the house for a little while, I would have been happy and content to stay home curl up with a movie or book and veg. I didn't want my husband to feel as though I didn't want to get away from the kids with him. So we took showers, I primped and he waited patiently for me to be ready...and we left. Conversation tonight was... for us was a bit awkward. I wasn't too much in the mood for talking and now after not talking to me all day my Hubs had lots of things to say. I didn't have any problem talking to him on a regular basis but tonight seemed to be difficult.

Thus began the one sided Tango....We fumbled around the dance floor of conversation like two dummy's (mannequin type dummy's not stupid people, though either would have worked for this situation) put out in the middle of a wind storm. Yeah, it wasn't pretty... finally as the winds of stress and strain settled...and we were slammed together so hard we bumped heads....there were some tears not all bad ones they were like the kind when your trying to make a point and all your emotion comes rushing forward and you cant control the water works...if you could cap that sucker you could supply a small city in the desert with a lifetime supply of h2o.... and though we tried to find some real common ground it was hard to see eye to eye. 

My mono y mono Tango had just turned into Steve Wozniak breaking out with "the worm". We talked and though a lot of our conversation was great and productive I still felt a bit empty after leaving the restaurant, it wasn't for the lack of food as it was the lack of conclusion, no that's not the word I'm thinking of.... hum-mm resolution...that's it!! There was no Resolution....So where do you go from here and what do you do to make sure you are satisfied with the out come of what ever the conflict... Nail your feet to the floor so you don't act a fool trying to tango... LOL no you just think about what it is that you wanted to say and didn't, start a blog, and let it all come out....LOL No... I'm just kidding. For real you just need to put band-aids on the blisters give them a chance to heal but with out letting them become a callus, take a break and come back to it in a couple of hours.

Problems will always come and go and I know the tango of marriage does have its ups n' downs and its ins n' outs but there always seems to be a rhythm, fluidity, flow....sometimes when we get caught up in the craziness of life we forget to take the time to look our partner in the eye, let him grab you close, and 


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What Does the Future Hold...or is it Only the Palm Reader That Gets the Hint?

I am embarking on a new journey...One that is going to take me on the tricky terrain of emotional hills and valleys. Oh and don't forget to throw in a couple of hairpin turns and some icy roads....My second eldest, my first birthed Son is going to be going off to College next fall! I guess when I was made to be protector and caregiver to a 7lb 15oz bundle of boy, I wished that I could protect them for all eternity... I have always been there for the good, the bad, and the "OH No you didn't, just go there!!". I watched him take his first steps, waited patiently for his first words, listened intently to his dreams and day by day watched as my little boy grew into a handsome young man. He's a dreamer my little boy, he doesn't know how to dream a small dream, he dreams BIG!! What a great young man he has become!

 I never imagined this day would get here so fast. When did my little boy go from being a toddler running around in Footed PJ's and a plastic Fireman's hat...When did he get so good at all that he does, and where was I when I stopped having to look over his shoulder every moment to make sure he was doing things right. I am sad the time has gone so fast and my emotions are all mixed up with a knowing sense that he will be OK and I have done the best job with him I can and now its his turn to start his own journey to Manhood.

This begins the days where his dreams are just around the corner... calling him, beckoning him to where he longs to be. I look at him and see Drive, Passion, Dedication, and SUCCESS! I also see a Kind, Loving, True to his Word, Loyal and God fearing Man... I cant hold his hand and help him jump from rock to rock so he can cross the stream... all I can do now is stand on the shore of the river and tell him to "Go Get Em'!" and "Don't forget who you are!" I don't get the luxury of an easy transition, if that were only the case...there won't be any coming home on weekends to do laundry or Hey, I get a week off let me just come home for a visit. While Nick is preparing for College the rest of us will be prepping for a move to our next Duty Station...

I am choked up typing just even the mere thought of my little boy going to college (can you just see how I will be 10 months from now) but I know it is all a part of the circle of life...no one could have said it better than his favorite movie The Lion King...its no wonder he loves it so much.

To Be Continued....

Pointing a Finger Can...Poke an Eye Out!!

It has come to my recent attention that there are a lot of people who like to point the finger....While pointing the finger can mean many things, for one, I am pointing my finger to tell you directions because you are lost...or I am pointing my finger to your face because you have a little schmutz on it...maybe even I am pointing to my teeth to let you know you have some of this afternoons salad stuck between two teeth... What ever the case may be there are several ways you can positively point the finger...

In the case I am talking about, it is NOT directional, positive, constructive or for grooming purposes. It is because the person wants to point out how inappropriate it was that LiFe had taken a hold of you, and you genuinely forgot to follow through with something... I am not perfect nor do I claim to be the expert on all things right but I do try to live my life to the very simple rule of... "When you point a finger at someone you have 3 pointing back at you!" OK so now take a minute and try it out...Point to something with the pointer finger pointing out where do the middle, ring and pinky point? Now your catching my drift....

My hubby and I are very aware of our obligations and we make good & follow through on what we have committed to doing. We try to be good parents teaching our children to take responsibility for their actions...that there are consequences for such said things and always remember that when you are pointing a finger at someone you are pointing 3 more back at you so your not with out faults. So being a parent that does that to the best of their ability I can now say this...with 3 fingers pointing back at me... "get off my case about what I have to do for you. You have others who are NOT claiming responsibility for so much more and they don't even acknowledge their responsibility! Until they are held to the same standard you have set for me then WE can talk about my faults! You have overlooked their LACK of RESPECT for you and it is OK because "poor mijo"...cut the coddling and stick it to him like you ALWAYS do to me!"

Whoa!!....I feel better!

So maybe your saying to yourself, why am I talking here instead of saying those words to the culprit thats causing me angst, or why be so vague why not just tell us all what is going on... Well its as simple as these few things...The one I love is far more important than "Sticking It" to someone. I was raised to have respect for others and even if they hurt me remember they have their faults, only I am responsible for my actions, causing pain for someone I Love is not worth the pain I would cause... It's more important to me to take the high road, than it is having the last word or starting an argument. Lashing out on them right now would only fall on deaf ears. Besides isn't far better to be there for someone else who may be out there faced with a similar situation. They need to know ..."Their NOT the only ONE!"

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bazaar, The Trips We Take Down Memory Lane....

My last and final trip of the summer consisted of going to Memphis, TN and Canandaigua, NY... It was a combination trip to see my nephew Brandon because he had graduated from HS and the stop in Memphis was to help Celebrate the nuptials and pregnancy of my son Nick's Dad, Patrick and future but now new Wife, Patricia...say that fast 5 times... OK so any ways back on target.

About 3 days before we left Missouri I was on FB (Facebook) to see what the happenings were and found out that one of my best friends, from high school, Dad had passed away. I was heart broken...all of the memories raced through my brain of, the times I had seen him, when the last time I talked to him was and all of my minds history book where he frequently appeared... I was truly sad! With all the busyness of planning my trip and all the things to be done I made sure that I took the time to send a little something with a card to tell Theresa and Tiffany, along with the rest of the family, I was thinking about them. So back to the way the mind brings you to a place and time where we once felt...a place where our current lives seemed so far out of reach and we felt that the future was NEVER going to get here.

I arrived in NY at another of my best friends house...we had made plans for those of us from the Class of 1992 were all going to get together and have an UN-Official Class Reunion. Blasted out on FB we laughed at how old we were and how we would never be able to stay out til 2am and all this and that... long and short of it all was we were going to go on Friday Night. It was set so I thought until that morning I posted that we wanted to get a head count of who was going to show or not...yeah well no one replied... So Paul and I decided to make plans of a different sort. We continued our trip down, my, memory lane with a visit to my bestest (yeah I know its not a real word but I still like to use it), longest, and oldest friends Dad. Side Bar: Shaunessy (my Bestest) called me early this year with the news that her Dad has cancer... It sucked, we cried and talked about the best and worst case scenarios. I couldn't believe that it was possible that my second father was sick.... All things set aside our visit was fabulous...

My visit with Theresa and Tiffanie was pretty much just as stellar as the one with Tom... we talked laughed and had a wonderful time. Later that week I was out to my Dad's and after talking to Tiffanie and thinking about all the fun times we had I for the first time remembered that HS wasn't all bad, so I went up to the attic and found 3 of my 6 yearbooks and brought them home... now most of my memories are in front of my face, there to remind me that my life is good, filled with joy and I am over all blessed to be loved and thought of fondly by others...

Just when you are thinking that things are not going so well take a break pour yourself a glass of wine and stroll down memory lane...It takes little energy and the smile that crosses your face will surprise you and lift you to a place where ALL things are Possible and Your dreams are still with in reach...

I hope you enjoyed.... Now go take a walk! : )

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's Been a Long Time... It's Definitely NOT Like Riding a Bike

Roughly about 7 years ago I met one of my dearest friends, Tammy. Tammy is also a spousal unit of the military but as of current she is of the retired side.  We were instant friends and I love her dearly; I miss her so. We would work out together and it was like "Woo...we worked out for 1.5 hours". Then there is Manna we knew each other for 3 years before meeting and we were instant friends. She was very preggers when we started to go walking together and then moved shortly after, so my engine got started and then poof! A few weeks/month passed and the post gym started to let Mom's bring their little ones to the gym so they could work-out...so then enter: Melissa, my daughter Lauri's best friend's Mom, she is so totally full of energy... this was great but it was all my fault because life got hectic and my new work-out partner and I couldn't get our schedules to work and so err I forgo my work-out routine... Let me tell you squats and lunges....WOW, LoVeD it!!

Today I have to say I could use the motivation of Tammy, Manna and Melissa for working out. You would think that the resistance I have to get back in, the proverbial, saddle again is because I have some sour taste in my mouth from working out but with each of them we would work together. It was GREAT! It wasn't the, here, you go there and I'll go here it was, OK so you like the treadmill and I like the elliptical so we can do that for 30 minutes and then lets go do blah blah... moving on to a workout targeting our problem areas.

Today, I went with my Husband and for some reason going with my husband is just SO overwhelmingly irritating! It isn't irritating because he is running my butt into the ground or it's hard work, he does the opposite, he just expects me to go and do a pre-calculated workout that I got from some weight-loss guru (I have yet to meet one). It would be one thing if he was with me helping me formulate a true workout but no...he HAS to go to the treadmill for a 30 thousand minute run in a room the size of a pocket with NO ventilation, NO air circulation, and NO scenery. If I want to have company while working out then in the mean time I have to kill myself on the elliptical or the treadmill beside him for the same boring, dull, smelly, agonizing run...BLAH!!!!!!

I know I can hear you all saying why not tell him what you want to do at the gym, be thankful that your husband will even go with you, I know I know I have heard it all before and let me tell you I have! I told him between my workouts with Manna and Melissa that I wanted/needed him to Help me with my work-out. Don't just do the same ole work out all the time...don't drill me like a soldier with the "Dont deviate from the Mission, Soldier!!" attitude ....LOL. Really I am thankful that he goes with me but I need to work out more then just my shin-splints.

I began today WHINING and CRABBING being a real let's just say... A Peach of a Wife!!!, about going to the gym so much so that I even got him pissed off but I had told him in the car on the way home from NY that he was going to have to deal with my moodiness for a while and he is going to have to SUCK IT UP! ...LOL that sounded so tough it made me laugh...hahaha!

In all seriousness... Honey if you are reading this PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do more of a work out not just a trip to the sauna and treadmill/elliptical.... It is going to kill me if I have to argue with you over working out and I will give up on it just as I did in the past...

OK all you have seen it first hand and without hesitation me asking him, again, to work WITH me! Let's see how it goes...

Well, I'm off to shower my 15 minutes in the Sauna is starting to make my eyes tear up from the smell...in the words of my daughter Lauri...PEACE!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

There's a First for Everything!

Manna this is for you.

I am not to stellar at this I am more the descriptive/animated talker than I am the writer but this summer when visiting with my close friend Maranda she told me that I needed to start my own blog because I had a lot to talk about with my gaggle of kids... So here is my attempt at making my life one of interest, humor, frustration, understanding and over all helpful to someone out there in this great big world, Mia Vita...My Life.

I am of Italian decent so with that comes talking with my hands, facial expressions and attitude...Lots of Attitude. I like to use certain punctuation a lot and you will see many of the ..., !!!, ??? and so on. This is just who I am so either you love me or hate me but its all OK I'll take it.

So here is the break down, I met AND married my husband in a week, I had 3 children out of wedlock before meeting and marrying my husband and since then we have had 2 and I gained one through marriage. This is a total of 6 kids one husband 2 dogs and ME...I am not old but not young. I am not fat but not skinny. I am sometimes not so comfortable in my own skin but I can't ever think of anyone else's skin I would rather be in so I keep my own. I am sure your telling yourself DANG... she has a gaggle of kids, she married her husband in a week Yeah Right!! Well yes that is all true and my husband and I are a great complement to each other, after 7 years of marriage to him and the U.S. Army I can't see my life anywhere else or spending it with any other person but him. I Love my life. Don't get me wrong you will eventually read that it makes me crazy at times, I get pissed off and it will over whelm me... but over all it is my life and for me it fits me like a pair of Manolo Blahnik Mary Janes!

I hope you enjoy the antics of my life...til then keep it simple stupid!!